“This is why we can’t have nice things.”

Friday morning, 9 a.m., I experienced the joys of losing a phone to the ever-wretched enemy of technology: H2O. After an unnecessarily long, goose-chase adventure to the AT&T Store and its neighboring Walmarts and Best Buys, I finally returned home and cued up the replacement mobile device. The apps were downloaded and the accounts were…

“That love is all there is, is all we know of love.”

Define Love. We have been surrounded this month by ads and coupons and preschool curriculums telling us all about the “L-Word,” so it should be easy. They tell us that love is about heart-shaped Reese’s cups and giant teddy-bears and the color pink. But it’s true, isn’t it? Nothing says ,”I love you,” like an oversized mylar…

Like Sweet Serendipity

I have been holding my breath — and holding out on this post — waiting for a decision which would define the next few years of my life. Tuesday was a deep well of disappointment. In twelve hours, I cartwheeled through the stages of grief, primarily fueled by anger and confusion. I allowed my writing…

“It’s not happy people who are thankful. It’s thankful people who are happy.”

In honor of Thanksgiving, a few thoughts on gratitude…and happiness 🙂 As a Junior in college, I studied The Psychology of Happiness in Copenhagen, Denmark (yes, I earned college credit for running around Europe learning about what makes us smile!). Throughout the course, we read  dozens of theorists’ attempts to define “happiness,” but how could anyone define…

30 Things to do Before I’m 30:

Bohemian Notebook may be a scattered blog, but many of the posts are rooted in this idea of “truly living.” Therefore, it seems appropriate to share with you all my own list of exorbitant to-do’s. I have said before, dreams deserve purpose; they deserve a plan; they deserve a deadline (before you are dead)! Maybe no one gets around…

“Today’s the Day.”

So I went skydiving… What’s more, I made the decision to go skydiving about 15 hours prior, on a kind-of-second-date, with a person I had known for barely a week. Talk about putting it all out there. Now, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend throwing yourself out of an airplane without thinking it over once or twice,…

“Be the kind of person you would like to meet.”

I just finished up chai-latte time with a great new friend, and got to thinking about how we meet people. I have noticed, since moving to Austin, that the “new-friend” cards have aligned suspiciously well on a number of occasions. What is it about certain people that brings them together? Coincidence is too common to blame,…